Saturday, 28 November 2015

How Internet Works

Before getting into the topic, here are the some things you need to know...

  • PING: Ping is the name of a standard software utility  used to test network connections. It can be used to determine if a server can be reached across the network and, if so, the connection's latency.

  • Latency: Latency refers to the number of delays that may incur in the whole process(i.e. sending and retrieving data from the server).
  • Download Speed: Download speed is the maximum numbers of bit that can be retrieved from the server.
  • Upload Speed: Upload speed is the maximum numbers of bits that can be send.
  • Domain Name Server(DNS): It is a separate server  having the table that has name and IP address of the website that we are accessing. Example IP address of is
Internet is a group of globally connected computer's  that is used for sending and retrieving information across globe. It uses a set of protocols like http,ftp,etc. So how it works. Well the lifeline of the Internet is the thousands of kilometer long submarine cables(99 percent of International traffic goes through these cables).  

These cables are made of Optical fiber. These optical fibers are capable of transferring the data at very high speed. There are several servers located across the globe and are connected to these optical fiber's. For instance take example of Facebook server, it contains all the data related to your facebook profile and things you upload and share.

When we enter the name of website then IP address is retrieved from Domain Name Server. Then the computer establishes the connection between your computer and main server. When we send any request, then it goes to the server then the server responses to that request , now here latency come's in picture, If the connection has low latency the request will be served fast and you will get seamless browsing experience that is the reason why less ping is preferred for video calls or online games apart from downloading speed's. If the connection has high latency then even if the downloading speed's are higher you will not get seamless experience and you may experience unnecessary delays while playing online games,video calls,etc.

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